
~ A Living Story ~
My lineage is one of healers.  The desire to serve is a result of ongoing personal experiences with the Divine that opened the door to a  life where I continue to be a teacher, author, public speaker and healer.
I quickly discovered that we can be healed of anything. Living in amazement and gratitude, I know with all my heart and mind that the grace received from ongoing firsthand experiences originating in a higher reality, or plane of subtle spirit, are available to any soul who surrenders, loves God and asks to be in service to the Divine. My dream of offering authentic service continues to manifest in a magical way.
Regardless of the nonsense that we are humanly passing through, we must remain focused on our ideal. When the spiritual senses are awakened, it is easier to move through all the changes. When we are open to the Celestial planes of consciousness, angels and luminous beings, we are kept safe, comforted and are offered guidance. Guidance has always said, “Be strong and keep your focus”! Even though we reach one goal, it is not the end of our journey. We keep moving forward attaining higher levels of consciousness. Whenever we are willing to stretch, it takes effort, mistakes will be made, feelings hurt and losses occur. Saying all that, I would never change a moment of the evolving process.
There have been rare beings who through discipline have transformed their bodies and lived long lives fully in control of every cell of the body, mind and soul. Now, this does not happen through wishful thinking. The physical nervous system must be prepared for the type of transformation that I am talking about. I have had successful experiences controlling matter through intention. Why not control the cells? Why not bring the perfection that Jesus spoke of, ‘ye are gods’, visibly and tangibly into the flesh, emotions and conscious mind? To regain our original mastery and beauty, we must honor who we are on every level of our being.
Many people have a problem with self-esteem. To honor who we are is to accept, know without any doubt, that we are a spirit, a radiant light, temporarily living in matter. With a passion, I know we can bring heaven into earth tangibly. The magic happens when we feel and believe it as our truth. Nature shows us how everything is intertwined. My dream is to prove that we are children of God and not groveling servants in the worst sense of the word. We are worthy!
The dream does not end, only if you allow it to. A true passion for the good expands and reaches higher levels of creativity and joy. It is an ongoing journey. Everyone has a story to tell. The individual story cannot be separated from the collective story. We are all One. My story has as its foundation a personal connection with the Divine. The story of all souls is a spiritual liberation where we eventually go beyond the “closed structure” of the physical world. Conscious thinking and action are required.
Believe in your self. Learn to love truth for its own sake. Allow your soul to be consciously alive. When you do, support will be offered and you will be able to move forward and manifest your dream.  Believe, dear friends, believe. The human experience is a means for the inner Self to express in matter. The truer you are, the happier you become. Our evolution is the greatest love story ever written. Why prolong the journey?
In love and gratitude,
Shirlee Hall


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