Shirlee Hall's Shop

How to Experience God's Love Every Day



"It is time we become fully awakened and experience our true role and the love waiting for us as God's children. Shirlee offers 8 clearings, steps, from personal experience that have helped her achieve the knowing and joy of a high consciousness that daily expresses itself as God's love in action."
Amazon Kindle E-book or Paperback!

How Angels Impact My Life



Shirlee shares a lifetime of personal angel experiences. 

"Shirlee Hall, in the service of divine Love, is a teacher, workshop leader, spiritual consultant, healing practitioner, public speaker and author of ten books.  Her primary focus is healing, including the body, mind, and soul.  How Angels Impact My Life is the first of a series of a lifetime of firsthand experiences with angels focusing on their part in healing, rescues and the unexpected.  This book is a work of love offered to God, our Source, to the Spirit of Truth, to Nature and our Angelic friends, without whom she could not have survived this amazing journey."
Amazon Audio, Kindle, or Paperback!

Circle of Light: Revisited



Hope is authentic when we grasp the truth that the presence of God, an indescribable and creative power, is ready and waiting for humanity to embrace humility and unity and actually live as divine love. When ready, our chemistry and wavelengths are transformed. We have free will. It is our will that determines choice. As we awaken and awareness expands, we accept the fact that we are designed to harmonize the physical body with our divinity. This is our purpose here on Earth.

Circle of Light - Revisited is a stunning combination of firsthand experiences during a ten year period of non-physical communion with others regarding an inner knowledge, a movement of spiritual identity, and a memory of truth that the author held close to her heart.  The language of intuition, a luminous rhythm and a truth replete with flashes of light, healing and an embrace of truth served and still serves as a gradual recognition of spiritual identity.  The sharing is a point of joy that is lovingly offered as continuous spiritual progression with all who are ready to receive it~
Amazon Paperback!

Adventures in Consciousness:



"Everyone has a Magical Self.  The purpose of humanity is to evolve consciously to the point where each of us claims our true identity as a super being hidden behind the mask of an evolving consciousness.  Shirlee Hall describes a variety of her ongoing life experiences with an amazing energy that is multi-dimensional and has its root in pure love and wisdom.  Humans are not a fixed product.  Through examples, we are reminded that within is that self without the veil, with a perfect memory of who and what we are...a beautiful self of light and wonder."
Amazon Kindle E-book or Paperback!

A Magical Cat With a Message



Baba shares his infinitely superior wisdom with his human pet, Mama Shirlee. Baba suggests how we can heal ourselves and others and at the same time be connoisseurs of comfort. He also suggests that magic can be a living part of our lives. Although he can purr his way out of anything, his wisdom message needs to be heard. Time spent with him is never wasted. Mama Shirlee has studied many teachers and has come to the conclusion that the wisdom of cats is infinitely superior.

Shirlee Hall has served consciousness as a visionary, professional speaker, successful healer, spiritual consultant, author, and inspirational teacher and workshop leader for over thirty years. Shirlee has authored seven books covering a powerful line-up consisting of firsthand spiritual experiences embracing the healing of the body, mind and soul. The pure intent behind Shirlee's specialties is to teach others how to apply transformation and healing energy into a permanent sense of wholeness, which embraces every aspect of life. She demonstrates how we can clearly merge spirit and matter and consciously live what we already are ... a radiant and eternal  Light.

Barnes & Noble
Amazon Paperback!
Trapped - Visitor from Heaven by Shirlee Hall

Visitor from Heaven



A redemptive story narrated by Archangel Ramiel.  It is a woman's firsthand experience rising from the depths of abusive power that led to a persistent search for truth, psychic and spiritual phenomena, complete surrender and a healing likened to a modern day resurrection.  The heroine's journey clearly demonstrates the power of faith and the force of the mind determined to prove that there is hope and a healing possibility for all of us.

Barnes & Noble
Amazon Kindle E-book or Paperback!

Jesus the Ultimate Superhero
The Answer to Finding Peace



With much of the world in turmoil and our nation deeply divided, many are looking for a superhero “to save the day.” In this amazing offering, “Jesus the Ultimate Superhero,” Hall says we need look no further than to scripture and ourselves.  This book is the result of a Voice commanding her to "Gather My Sheep".  It is actually a workbook for those who are ready to apply scripture and be an example in their everyday lives. Drawing on Jesus’s words and her own spiritual experiences, Hall writes how we can be the super heroes and heroines we seek.
“Jesus is the ultimate superhero and role model,” says Hall. “By following his example of love and wisdom, we can awaken to our true identity and powers to fulfill our purpose of creating heaven on earth. We are the super heroes that can, and must, save ourselves and save the world.”
Several years ago after laying hands on a stranger, Hall was given the command to “Gather my Sheep!” and resurrect what it means to be a true follower of Jesus. For a long time, she ignored the command, essentially asking “Why me, Lord,” until Hall realized she could not rest until she obeyed. The book “Jesus the Ultimate Superhero” is the result of Hall’s commitment to share anew the words of Jesus and how, by following his example, we can find peace within and bring peace to the world.
Amazon Paperback!
Be: Embracing the Mystery by Shirlee Hall

Be - Embracing The Mystery
A Firsthand Mystical Journey


Truth, the love of spirit, wisdom and life is the dynamic flame of reality that fills this book with power and the hope that we can heal ourselves and help each other. The words of love share with readers how they, too, can be free and whole. Because the words come from a place of inner authority and love, they encourage us to honor who we really are and fully uncover the magnificence of the Spirit within.

Shirlee shares her ongoing spiritual experiences and knowledge, suggesting step by step how each one of us can be free and whole.  There is a great need in the soul of humanity...the energy within this profound book will definitely help fill that need.

"Shirlee has an amazing talent for healing and solving spiritual problems. I feel this book will be of great value to the healing of our planet and us."
- Jack Kuncl, Musician


Barnes & Noble
Amazon Kindle E-book, Hardcover, or Paperback!

The Three Persuasions
A Reality Tale for Mature Souls



The Unicorn is used as a powerful Voice symbolizing the hidden wisdom in our divine nature.  Using the art of telepathy, the question of why humanity suffers is addressed by the Princess Shree and her mentor, the Unicorn. The beauty of this magical dialogue is that it shows the reader or seeker that the individual with a desire to serve and better all humanity can only achieve success through the manifestation of one's own inner-peace. The wonder of this magical analogy arrives when it ends full circle allowing the reader to see that we can return to our original balance, wisdom and unconditional love. The choice has always been our own!

Barnes & Noble
Amazon Kindle E-book or Paperback!
My Own Tree by Shirlee Hall

My Own Tree
A Healing Experience



This magical book is a winner! It allows the young to be themselves and the mature to be young again!

If you love color, the sun, the trees and all of Nature, use the creative suggestions and tools  as an easy and playful way to enhance your daily life in body, mind and soul.

Barnes & Noble
Amazon Paperback!


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