Genesis 1:27 informs us that we are created in his own image. We are God’s handiwork and are created to do good work Yet, many people continue to take actions that are the opposite of the image that we were told that we are. Our bodies were meant to be temples of the Holy Spirit, who according to 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 is us. The Holy Spirit is creative energy, comforting like a mother. The original intention is that we were designed to honor God with our bodies. Nothing can separate us from the love that our Creator has for us except our confused thinking and false programming. We are the children. Gods love doesn’t discriminate, no matter the person or the history. It is our developing consciousness that discriminates and designs the effects that stem from the causes that we, personally, have created.
The Divine is really you. It appears hidden because many of us temporarily forget its presence. Ordinary everyday consciousness and nature can be transformed into a higher consciousness. It requires love and discipline, faith and determination. The secret in realizing our worth is first to accept that the Power and Presence, the Holy Spirit, is the true life of us even though we are forgetful. Currently humanity is struggling to remember. More and more souls are looking seriously at unity and the meaning of brotherhood. Many genuinely care for earth and nature doing something about the damage our negligence has caused. The beautiful part is that finally more of us desire to be our true spiritual identity.
The desire to be our true selves is not to impress others but rather a longing to uncover the intimacy of being our true Self right here in matter. We genuinely would like to be an example and experience the sheer joy of it. This is our role in bringing heaven to earth.
My suggestion is to become familiar with the Comforter, the Holy Spirit. I fell in love with the Presence ages ago. She is always available to help as well as the angels who are immersed in Her powerful energy. An example this week was my stopping in a long-time friend’s office and her request taking me aside to privately pray for a relative. He lives in Florida and doesn’t have insurance or money to cover the treatment for the cancer involving Hodgkin Lymphoma in the lower groin. Only 24 hours after I called on the Holy Spirit’s help came amazingly through a Tampa cancer center offering to take him totally under their wing for whatever needs to be done to return him to wholeness. Faith does wonders and the Holy Spirit and her helpers are ready when we are.