"There exists a Circle of Light that is far greater than any book of words.  It is the circle of vibrant souls who are conscious of their purpose in being.  They are the ones who strive for excellence and recognize through patient observation and a beautiful faith that there is a deeper meaning to life, a plan we are to fulfill, that will actually assist us in creating 'heaven on earth'.  They are the ones who realize that to be awakened is to live each day in faith and devotion to the Indescribable Supreme Spirit that created both the unseen and seen. They also understand that positive action is required to bring forth a solid and healing change that blesses each and every one of us.  It is possible and some are already personally experiencing a genuine oneness where recognition is naturally felt and expressed in joy and understanding.  Yes, we can actually achieve a living unity that encircles all life.

The Circle is widening.  it is an illuminating ring of spiritual power that will elevate the vibrations of Earth in such a way that a new consciousness will dawn in the minds of men and women.

The Intelligent Radiating Light, the invisible Force that is living and breathing in the midst of all humanity, can be actually seen by souls in visions who are attuned to the higher majesty and power.  Each soul that is in harmony with the science of wisdom and love is an integral part of The Plan.  Intuitive intelligence uses the mind-body as a means of demonstrating the brilliancy of truth and love hidden within the soul.  It is through the energy ring of power that the Age of Spiritual Consciousness, awakened humanity, will emerge in all its beauty and love.

The time is fast approaching when consciousness demonstrating as Awakened Intelligent Light will reveal its Self in such a way that the world of unenlightened men and women will take notice.

In Peace and Gratitude,


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