zeptepiIt was late at night. In fact, I had just finished offering a class and meditation workshop. The people had left except for a tall dark handsome man who I had never met before. We had planned via a phone conversation a few days prior to our meeting for me to ‘try’ a special breathing technique while safely zipped inside my sleeping bag lying on the floor. You see, I do not suggest or offer a technique to students if I haven’t tried it myself.   I was to do a particular breath for approximately an hour and fifteen minutes. There was no preparation nor were affirmations stated during the suggested time period. He did have some non descript music playing in the background. In other words, the music was not to be the power or influence behind any experience that I may or may not have.

I had asked in meditation for a tool to give to others so they could have a firsthand experience regarding the continuity of life. I did feel somewhat self-conscious being alone with a stranger in a darkened and rented facility but I have a trusting nature. Time passed quickly as well as the strangeness of the situation. It was my responsibility to stay with the particular breath he had taught me. It didn’t seem that long and all of a sudden I became extremely hot and uncomfortable. Even though my physical body was overheated, I was also aware of simultaneously being in another body standing barefoot in the sand. My bare feet were burning; the Sun was beating down on me as I stared at the Great Pyramid. I was literally in Egypt. Then all of a sudden something even more unusual happened. A very loud voice boomed across the desert, “I Am Ra!” The experience was so unexpected and startling that my physical body sat up and unzipped the sleeping bag and climbed out surprising the stranger sitting next to me monitoring the hour of breath. When I explained to him what had happened, he said he had never heard of such an experience before.

Frankly, I wasn’t surprised. In fact, nothing surprises me.   Since a child I have had a fascination for Egypt, would paint with oil on a large canvass scenes depicting ancient Egyptian life. I also have had recall of other past lives and locations. I’ve even had memories of living in more subtle body than the physical bodies we use today. The one that I had in experiencing the sacred breath was fascinating because it involved all the senses. I actually experienced traveling back in time to Amenhotep IV, Akhenaten, and the emphasis on the Ra, the Sun God. During the flight back in time all my senses both in the physical and subtle bodies of light were active. The radiance of the Sun and the majesty of the power of the pyramid were as stunning as the booming voice echoing throughout space.

I mention this for one reason only. For years, I have offered a monthly Sacred Healing Breath Workshop. The intention is to trigger the subconscious and help participants heal on multiple levels. People attend by choice and understand they are in a safe and sacred environment. I do wish to mention that time travel does not require using the sacred breath technique. I mention the experience because it was an answer to a prayer I had offered as to how could I further help people experience hidden and exquisite parts of their history that were now ready to be known by them.

I have periodically time traveled with very little preparation. I am fully aware of what is going on with my physical vehicle as well as the light form used for travel.   In other words, I am never in a trance but fully aware of being in a physical body and experiencing another body simultaneously. In my case, it isn’t a requirement to be in a meditative state to be conscious of both the physical and subtle body of light. I shared this bit of information last night at our monthly Sacred Healing Breath Workshop. I am not suggesting to you or those who participated last night that they will have similar experiences involving their higher identity. Each experiences according to his readiness.

No two workshops are identical. I mention the workshop and the breath because it is a sacred door that opens parts of the subconscious that have been consciously hidden. Frequently, a participant will experience a physical healing because the sacred breath releases an ancient image that no longer serves a purpose. The sublime energy is healing on multiple levels. It is very effective in helping a participant rediscover his own immortal Self. Perhaps, one day you will join us.








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Saturday, February 13, 2016



(The below is an excerpt from book I am writing called, BABA –Magic Will Save the World.)           To help with the publishing and publicity of the message of unconditional love, donate at https://www.gofundme.com/hin9vg

Please note that it is my cat who is doing the narrating…He has a message to be told.

What cats observe comes naturally. It is also what some humans intuitively sense. Felines can see the effect of thoughts and emotions being released in our ‘human pets’ and also around them.   We are unhappy when negative thoughts and emotions change or harm the human energy. People become all clogged up with negative emotions leading to depression, sick days, and not interested in playing with us. Human pets often take great care in feeding us high quality food and good water but they often are mindless regarding their own health and happiness.

I am committed to helping humans handle emotional blockage and in dealing with isolation. Sometimes, we are very successful in teaching humans how to love again and open their hearts. Eventually, a very strong bond is developed that continues to live on although we use different physical forms. I’ve been with Mama Shirlee in past lifetimes as well as in the in-between planes of light and love.

I keep returning to be by her side because we both desire to offer insight and hope. Earth is continually created and recreated by thought. Our goal is to encourage and help evolve an enlightened Earth. A decision to help support humanity is a willing commitment by the majority of dogs and cats. Most humans would never guess our intention to help humans evolve into a greater awareness. It is a huge challenge because not all of mankind respects the Animal Kingdom. We are mistreated and cruelty continues day in and day out. It must stop for the good of all species involved. Animal consciousness is different than the typical individual consciousness of a human. Animals are an expression on the earth of a group consciousness. In other words, we belong to a collective group. Mama Shirlee has had a few visions explaining the group mind of the animal kingdom.

Our pattern is one of instinct and regardless of how you treat us we don’t judge you. As cats, we react to vibration and light emanations. I am sure you have noticed that we usually don’t display any guilt. The reason for this is that we are ‘cool’ cats, and don’t get caught up in emotional vibrations. Our ability to be detached created an aura of mastery in earlier earth cycles and continues somewhat today. During ancient times, we were actually honored as wise teachers.

Mama Shirlee really enjoys watching me intuitively communicate with angels, luminous beings and other visitors who fill our home. This may sound arrogant but I am not here on earth to evolve nor are the rest of the cats. We are here to support the earth and assist humanity in evolution. Much of our work is done with energy. There are other species such as dogs, dolphins and whales with a high consciousness that help humanity. I know, you look at our appearance and probably shake your head doubting the fact that we can actually do something good to assist people in the area of emotional and mental fields. Humans are deeply smothered in the Earth-Plane; we took pity on them and chose for our physical existence innocent looking forms to break through any stubborn resistance.

Cats have a compassionate energy and can easily integrate personal energy with human energy. As I said before, we observe your thought forms and can when needed offer you our strength and protection against negative vibrations. We purr, repair and protect the human aura. Are you surprised? We are very psychic. We also see what the common human is not yet evolved enough to see such as non-physical matter and anti-matter. Our sensory perceptions are more developed than humans.   We ‘see’ thought forms, electro-magnetic fields and when I walk around Mama Shirlee’s floor plants I often see fairies darting in and out of the small houses she has provided.

My human pet and I telepathically send and receive thought messages to one another. It is easy because cats have agreed to be programmed to blend with the mental, emotional field and personality of our human pet.   If I detect negative energies being ‘sent’ toward Mama Shirlee, I quickly neutralize them. Actually, the frequency of purring cleanses the unwanted energy. I also will patrol the entire house creating a protective field. Have you ever noticed your cat move in a quick reaction to energies unseen by you?

We don’t deliberately try to be mysterious. We often appear to be because we naturally understand the mystery of vibrations. As a result, we are aware and know more than you give us credit for. Stones show us their vibration through color and brilliance. It is vibration that makes the tree grow, the fruit ripen and the flowers bloom. Physical existence, this means every living form, manifests according to the law of vibration. As cats, we got the ‘energy’ talent down pat. Long ago, humans understood how by watching not only cats but also animals in general learned how to survive. Evolving humans actually learned social behavior and how to communicate telepathically with us. Most humans don’t remember that the Animal Kingdom consists of forgotten teachers. It is time humans learn to love unconditionally like we do.

Dear Reader,   If you would like me to add one of your personal 'cat' stories to this healing manuscript, please send to [email protected].

Love, Light and Laughter,


Posted by Shirlee Hall at 7:31 AM No comments:

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Saturday, February 6, 2016


The below is an excerpt from a book I am writing on healing.  The narrator is my cat Baba


What you believe is what you get. Although felines don’t need to do this, we suggest that you try to remember throughout the day that behind your appearance body you have an awesome perfect spiritual pattern. You probably think that nothing happens by chance; you are wrong. It can happen by chance. We, cats, don’t have all the moral weaknesses, guilt and judgment issues as you do but yet we get sick at times or injured. Things happen independent of us, which produce cause and effects.   We don’t do decrees or invoke protection. We simply are ourselves and in most cases use common sense, which is a good idea for everyone to actually, practice.

Regardless if we were imperfect or not, I know from firsthand experience that a body can actually return to perfection by asking Spirit to manifest in the part that is weak. Remember there is a divine pattern behind every body part. One of Mama Shirlee’s first animal healing experiences happened with the families Siamese cat. The cat was always hissing and really jumpy. She told me that she and her youngest son took the cat, Rama, to the animal doctor to find out what or why he was so nasty all the time. After a careful examination, the doc said Rama had been born deaf. They didn’t expect that answer and were of course, surprised. Now, mind you, our feline hearing is normally remarkable. We can hear high-frequency sounds up to two octaves higher than a human. We have little tufts of hair in our ears that help keep out dirt, direct sounds and insulate our ears. On top of that refinement, we have 32 muscles that control the outer ear. Humans have only six. Can you independently rotate your ears 180 degrees? The point is that hearing is very important to us. The idea that a cat was born deaf would be awful to accept if I didn’t know that matter could be manipulated.

Never did the mother and son judge Rama’s condition as difficult to change. Once they arrived home, they decided to give Rama a healing treatment. They did discuss how Rama didn’t have negative karma and that to be always on edge was a terrible way to live. Remember, both Mama Shirlee and her young son believed that a body could be made perfect. They had a strong belief and faith in that way. Natural law created for some reason or another an imperfection in an innocent animal. The humans in this case believed that asking the Holy Spirit to manifest perfect hearing according to the hidden and perfect divine pattern behind Rama’s physical form could actually happen.

Humans with a high understanding have the power to ask Spirit to give animate life a visible and tangible complete pattern. Mama Shirlee and her son didn’t know the details of the perfect pattern but only the fact that it exists in Divine Mind. The Holy Spirit knows how to do everything. That is one of the many reasons I love living in Mama’s home; she knows a lot about universal laws.   Remember, they did visit a doctor but what a doctor can’t do, Spirit can.   Why suffer when God has methods corresponding to physical, mental and spiritual needs?

It never entered their minds to doubt or worry. When you do, messages get muddied and stops the creation. That is why you must be clear in your intent, specific and then must let it go. To bring forth a perfect creation, result, you must learn to trust. Mama Shirlee and her son expected results. There is no set way of doing this. She simply mentioned Rama’s name, and how they felt that he had the right to hear perfectly. They asked that his spiritual ears, a divine blueprint, take control of Rama’s physical ears. Her son held the cat and his mother said a few sentences and let the cat go.   They both assumed Rama would hear perfectly for the first time. Within minutes, he had perfect hearing. They knew this as a fact because they immediately ran a series of tests such as shaking house keys, playing hide and seek and using imagination in various ways to prove that they now had a cat with perfect hearing.

You see, Rama wasn’t responsible for his previous lack of hearing. Imbalances, diseases, lack and limitation don’t exist in the spiritual realm. So when you have a problem regardless of what it is…reach higher, think properly, and know that humans particularly can help their plants and animals by belief and focused thoughts.   Both Mama Shirlee and her son decided not to see an error condition in Rama. They saw him in their minds as hearing perfectly. Spirit is impersonal, not either good or bad. Thoughts cause manifestations particularly ones that are repeated.

The above story is continued in the manuscript that I am currently writing.  If you would like to help me self-publish, you can donate at:


Every dollar helps.   Thank you so much...

In love and light,

Mama Shirlee


Posted by Shirlee Hall at 7:05 AM No comments:

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Saturday, January 30, 2016



Can you command Spirit? The idea shocks many because it sounds so cold and blunt. But, let’s face it; all of us have been commanding throughout life simply by desiring and focusing on people and events to move. Our body usually performs automatically and yet, God is the moving force that has created and maintained all physical manifestations. If you worry about an impending surgery as an example and dwell on all the negative possibilities, you set the stage for all your concerns to manifest. They will manifest because you gave your worries undivided attention bringing the energy together that will result in a negative experience. Worry and stressing out in the mental-emotional realm will create in the physical realm.   To initiate action in the contrasting energy of the spiritual realm, you must ask in your spiritual awareness. Jesus said we could do what he did but he was referring to a spiritual awareness not an awareness filled with fear and worry. Higher power acts according to thought, trust and conviction.

When we make a request, it needs to be decisive, selective and not contrary to natural law. Divine law is impersonal. Some people actually believe that God punishes people. Wrong. What appears to be a punishment is an effect caused by violating impersonal divine law. Religion refers to the mistakes as sins. Now, let’s say you have gained spiritual awareness. Does this mean that your prayer will automatically be answered? No. In reality, the degree to which you live up to your divine spiritual nature determines whether your request is answered. If you harbor fear, doubt or lack of self worth as an example, you undermine and seriously weaken your prayer or decree.

When we have gained spiritual awareness, we can invoke Spirit action that will break through the inaction so long experienced. Signs and works can be done by anyone who has reached a genuine spiritual understanding. Eventually, everyone will attain spiritual perfection. At the same time, this does not mean everyone will enjoy the full use of divine powers. Some people experience an awakening automatically. Another may have the power for only a few minutes. Others may awaken and completely change and have the powers available to them for the rest of their lives. If spiritual power is used in adverse ways where it disrupts or the user doesn’t choose to act according to the principles of love, he or she loses the power.

If you have been ‘born again’, it doesn’t mean you know everything and can do everything automatically from a very high level. You still must grow and learn to use spiritual powers like you did with personal physical and mental powers. Many of us have had visions we have not fully understood or messages given intuitively but we need maturity to clearly grasp and use them effectively. If we don’t learn, understand and use gifts-powers, they will eventually cease. It is not like turning on the television or radio and forgetting the message once it is turned off. Blessings are to be shared. We are spiritual beings. Once you accept your true spiritual identity and discard the idea of separation from Source, then ask the Divine within that you have opportunities to reveal and share light here on earth. Sharing what you are receiving from your own ‘heaven’ spiritual consciousness will bring hope, joy and healing to others. At the same time, the more that you respect, love and spread the light energy, the more expansive your own creative power and light. You will know and be able to live as the peace that passes all understanding.

Reminder:  Circle of Light Gathering in Naperville, IL.  Sunday, February 7th, 1:00 PM


Posted by Shirlee Hall at 8:01 AM No comments:

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Saturday, January 23, 2016



When more of us finally realize that the only thing there really is, Spirit, we will finally be authentic. If the term Spirit is too indefinite for you, substitute mind or consciousness. Haven’t you wondered what or how can we be the image or likeness of God? It is the spirit of us, the mind or consciousness of us that is the likeness. The likeness differs in degrees according to our conscious awareness and use in understanding this truth. We are not a physical look alike but an energy differing only in recognition and vibration. The habit of calling Source-God as a Father or Mother is symbolism for our connection.

In a roomful of people, it would be a rarity to find two fields of intelligence vibrating and living at the same level. “Made in the image of God” is a familiar reminder that we do have value. By raising our level of conscious awareness, we become godlike. Divinity lives in all life and differs according to intelligence, conscience and awareness. If a person, group, or even a city is basically not open to receiving Divinity or deprived of the power and presence for one reason or another, how can they receive, accept, live or share it? We first have to value and honor the truth that that presence and power is the real identity of us. Once we stop being resistant or ignorant, the higher energy will begin to reveal itself. The goal is for the fullness, beauty, power, light and love of the magical Self to express fully through us. It is similar to how one of my children describes the process…turn up the thermostat. Consciously expand your light, turn up the brightness, lighten your load and discover what it really is like to be free and a conscious creator.

We know God is creative. The same holds true for humans. Every human has a capacity to make things, to create, because we are all made in the image/energy of a creative power Source. Regardless of our gender, age, history, every one of us possesses spiritual aptitudes and capacities. Just because we may not witness someone’s spiritual nature or our own, its hidden energy is more real that our physical nature because it does not die. If more of us would nurture our consciousness and deem it as important as eating, drinking and exercising our physical body, anything would be possible.

We are intelligent and intended to be morally responsible. What gives us life is the image, the consciousness but most humans are not yet fully aware of the grandeur of our possibilities. Being fully human means to reflect a higher creativity using our godlike capacities.   Our conscious creations can be far grander than we have imagined because we are under the same principles and laws of cause and effect. We need to use mind-consciousness to mold spirit with the ideas we receive as a creator.

We are living in two worlds simultaneously but not using our full potential. The physical world is the result of invisible ideas. Hopefully, more humans are aware now that everything began as an idea, in light, and eventually manifested in density. When we are also aware that the invisible world is infinite and the real us is also infinite, we can become more visibly and tangible god-like.

It is time that more of us live a Self-conscious and an attentive life understanding that the real is the magical inner Self. The body is the medium we use to express its ideas. To understand and live this relationship we naturally have with our light image allows us to use our innate spiritual higher powers. We’ve been programmed for thousands of years to fear using power except for emergencies and very select ‘holy’ things. Religious teachers in many cases have placed restrictions on our using the mind and body to create and heal unless the act comes under certain rules and regulations. All the glorious wonders written about may be experienced here and now. It is intention, pure thought that is noted. We don’t have to attend a certain school, training or physically die to attain the spiritual realm. We are designed to awaken here in the flesh and use our mind and body as a medium for the higher energies of our spirit consciousness.

As an example, why would Jesus state, “Behold the kingdom of God is within you”? What is within? Your consciousness is the shaker and mover. Are you conscious now? Isn’t it time we prove these things ourselves? People always want proof. Well, do it. Plenty of proof will manifest in your life if you put the heavy conditions of past teachings, opinions and concerns aside and learn to apply innate spiritual powers with an understanding and loving awareness. Yes, it is possible to direct Spirit/consciousness. It is the only active force. May your motive and best interests always vibrate as love. Stop separating yourself and allow the real Self to take action.

Why don’t you go to a mirror now and look at your self? You are looking at the outer covering. The brain is thinking and the mind is toying with the idea of using its will in a new and very interesting way. Why not use the entire package body, mind and soul and create a new kind of life, a life where your will as an aware consciousness is demonstrating what the team desires? If the team is involved, then you and I are acting as a likeness or image of God. We create deliberately not only for our good but the good of all~


Give yourself a Valentine gift...a cup of healing



Posted by Shirlee Hall at 8:28 AM No comments:

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Saturday, January 16, 2016



We all have made mistakes, because we have not known our real selves. We all have asked at one time or another, “What is the best way of healing the body or helping another heal?” Jesus, a great teacher and example for us, always met the need of the people at their exact degree of unfoldment. Everyone needs a special approach but there is one approach we all need and that is genuine and caring love.

We can only really help others and ourselves in direct relationship to how we love. Love will know the exact method. It helps the process by only seeing the good in another or the good in you regardless if details display otherwise. I learned long ago to look past the appearance for that is exactly what disorder, imbalances, illnesses and similar opinions, an appearance. LOVE looking past the appearance is your first step.

Second step:  Freely ASK for the blessings of the creative Holy Spirit and the angelic angels to assist you. There are helpers all around you. God is love incarnate.

Third step: train yourself to understand and RECOGNIZE the perfect spiritual body, your light blue print behind your form. The goal is to get every part of your material body to act in obedience to your real, eternal and spiritual body.

Fourth step: if your physical senses tell you that you are in pain CALL on your spiritual senses and use a word of power to remove the discomfort. A word of power is a significant name or word that represents holiness, God, love to you. You can train your mind and body to obey immediately.

Fifth step: ASSERT yourself and be a spiritual conscious being refusing to fall prey to material or sense suggestions, opinions and negativity. Allow your true spiritual self to become a ruler.

Sixth step: VIBRATION. Fill the house every day with strong, positive health vibrations, lifting the energy in your environment into purity and truth. Feel free to experiment with different ray colors, light.

Seventh step: GROWTH. Healing is not designed to be difficult. Make your transformation playful, creative, loving and simple. It is more natural to work with God always in our midst than to ignore, fail and go around complaining.

Periodically say to yourself: “I am spirit” and “I am to create.”

Eighth step: TRUST AND ASSUME: Offer your prayer request and let it go. Don’t keep looking for a change. I always assume it is being taken care of by the One Power and One Presence.

Ninth step: GRATITUDE When you do think of your request, remember and speak gratitude and thank the Holy Spirit for being in charge.

I made the list 9 steps because 9 is a sacred number and represents change. Watch as the magic of love as it comes into you and your life.



Awaken, thou that sleepest. Christ shall give you light.

I am determined to live from the innermost of myself.

I am not losing my identity but rather gaining a greater individuality.

Spirit is the first and real foundation of my consciousness.

I desire to live, think, speak only from the level of spirit.

I ask that my vision clear, my ears hear and my mind is open.

God’s spoken first word at creation was LIGHT!


Every stage of development reveals more of God.

I can easily distinguish between reality and shadow.

I am breathing entirely from the plane of spirit during this sacred healing hour.

I am entering into a larger consciousness of God.

I am awakening to a higher plane and larger consciousness.

Heaven is not a place but a consciousness of God.

Posted by Shirlee Hall at 9:25 AM No comments:

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Shirlee Hall

Published author of five books. Last four,  "Trapped: Visitor from Heaven", "The Three Persuasions - A Tale for Inquisitive Souls", "BE-Embracing the Mystery" and My Own Tree'.  Successful healer for 39 years, professional speaker, Wisdom Teacher, Spiritual Consultant and Work Shop leader.

Gained Higher Knowledge and Spiritual Healing from a firsthand ongoing experience with the Divine Radiance and luminous beings since a child.


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