Shirlee Hall


There is a temple even superior to nature, and that is you yourself.  It is this temple you must purify so that the energies of the Divine will come and establish their power and presence in you. My books, workshops and all that I do is focused on awakening and being our higher and true Self right here in matter.

Truth is to be found in the human heart and the contact is made right where we may find ourselves at any moment of our existence. Look for the Truth at its Source and we will find it.  We must rise above our own weaknesses and dare to face the Truth wherever it may be found and whatever its discovery may do to the narrow confines of our own beliefs and speculations.
The Christ is one universal energy of all mankind.  The Christ stands where we stand. If we understand this truth, embrace, love and use the energy we are one with it, we are that very thing.  Jesus is a prime example of one who presented the Christ to the world, which all of us may present if we will.  In other words, it is an energy that dwells within the individual always. Since we have free will, the choice of how we interpret, accept, and demonstrate this truth is also ours.


We are here to take care of the earth and its inhabitants as the One Source takes care of us.
We are secondly here to explore and experience and to add to Creation.
It is what we yearn to do. It is what we are here to do.  And the Great Consciousness does not consider Creation complete until our unique part is added.
We are here to add to the beauty of ITS creation and we are doing this through the sciences and the arts, through philosophy and through our relations with each other.
Each of us is capable of adding something unique to Creation…something particular that only we can give, for we are each special.
There is no other like you in all the World-in all the history of the World.
There is no other person and never has been another person that can add what each of us specifically can to this World.

The central idea of the classes, books, healing and one on one sessions I offer are a reminder that matter and spirit are one whole unity.     Through a genuine devotion toward becoming consciously and physically the highest version of our self, we merge with the Divine and create a higher state of consciousness.

As we inspire and empower ourselves and suggest to others to believe in their inner strength, take power of the pain from the past and ownership of the fear in the future and live the very best life they possibly can, we are certifying our life and helping them do likewise. Follow your dreams regardless of the nastiness of the past or present.



One of the favorite subjects shared in my books, church and various organization presentations involves  angels.  The focus brings incredulous smiles to faces that need hope, love, and a desire to remember they are not alone although it may at times appear to be.


Either the first or second Sunday of a month, I offer an afternoon session which includes a class subject- meditation  and healing hour that accelerates healing of the mind and body with the intention of being our true spiritual Self in joy, freedom, and love.  I know with a certainty that a loving and healing power is a companion available to all of us.  It is this transforming, gentle and wise energy that is the focus and action of the Circle of Light workshopThe healing workshop is for all who desire to be whole regardless of physical age.  Sign up for our notices and you will be notified of this amazing energy.


Laying of Hangs

In joy, let us link our light with both the seen and unseen dimensions in humble service at this time in the history of our planet.  We are living in a powerful transitional period, in which many of the earth's people will be raised from their state of confusion to a simple understanding: the love of our Creator both within and without.

We need to focus on what is Real...our spiritual identity and the simple thought of absolute love,  genuine service and an awakening consciousness of total unity with all our brothers and sisters.  We are on earth in the physical for spiritual growth.   We must evolve and realize, accept and live a higher expression of love for  all creation.


My intention is to help earnest seekers to develop an intimacy with the fullness of the Divine Presence and Power.  Whether souls join our wisdom workshops, classes, healing sessions or read my books based on firsthand experience of a higher Love realized, we are moved beyond conventional knowing to a transcendent knowledge that secretly slumbers within.

If you  resonate to this message, link your energy by checking out our STORE and OFFERINGS~



Current information regarding Public Speaking, Workshops, Classes, and one on one Zoom appointments [email protected]

Keep in touch with Shirlee’s workshops and offerings!

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