Sunday, August  4th, 1:00 pm
Sohmar Massage School, 3051 Oak Grove Rd, DG, Suite 104
$75    Details: email Shi
Three part healing workshop:
Lesson:  A few of the ancient Egyptian Postures will be shared which were an ancient technique based off of the ancient Egyptian statues.  The postures represented specific teachings and spiritual form in order to maintain a spiritual connection.
Meditation:  The White Light and asking the subconscious to make us aware of any blockages.
Healing Hour:  Walking through the door to the Inner Temple
"Cylinders of the Pharaoh" will also be used  on each participant for several minutes during the final healing hour.  They consist of a Yin cylinder and Yan cylinder for charging and achieving harmony of body and spirit.
In love and gratitude,
Shirlee Hall   (Shi)





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2 comments on “TEMPLE HEALING”

  1. Books hold greater significance for some of us than nearly anything else on the planet. Books help us understand who we are and how we should behave. What a miracle it is that these small, rigid, flat squares of paper can unfold world after world after world, worlds that sing to you, calm and quiet you, or excite you. They teach us the value of friendship and community as well as how to live and die. 유튜벳꽁머니

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