Hi, I happened to open an old book of the Bulgarian Christian Mystic, Omramm Mikhael Aivanhov ,and read the following from The Bonfin, July 30, 1971
" It is no good trying to preach about the Gospel or quote from them today; people just won't listen. This is why I try not to refer too often to the Bible; it is no longer acceptable. In point of fact though I draw all the truths I reveal to you from the Bible - particularly the Gospels - or directly from nature, but without saying so, because people are so bored by all that that they are leaving the Church. So, I bring you back to the Bible by other ways, by roundabout routes. Oh, the beauty of roundabout routes!"
Isn't that interesting? This dear being sent me a personal letter in 1981-82 from France thanking me for writing/sharing my heart in the original Circle of Light book . A mutual friend in MN had sent him a copy of the book. The current creation, Jesus the Ultimate Superhero, that has been delayed due to the holidays provided a moment to allow this quote from nearly fifty years ago to sink in with renewed meaning for today. The momentary release on Amazon and Barnes & Noble would indeed have brought a smile to Omraam's face in 'Heaven' because it has both quotes from the Gospels and my 'roundabouts'.
Christmas blessings,