People often ask me where or how I developed faith. I cannot really answer that. Perhaps, somewhere in the long ago past I made a choice to be aware. Observing humanity, it appears as if a bond between Heaven and Earth has broken or ruptured many souls from a genuine connection referred to as the power of faith. There is a huge difference between reason and spiritual realization. Many of us have been severely abused, misjudged, scorned, ignored, deceived, raped and even have had the life almost choked out of us. Yet, here we stand, our faith stronger than ever.
I know as a fact that we can recover what sometimes feels as a lost spiritual anchorage because the bond is only concealed and not lost. We really do not know the power of our faith unless we meet a serious challenge head on with absolute trust. I have found that trust and openness to the Divine is true power. The mind and body can overcome any sense of isolation, alienation, fragmentation of incompleteness when we have genuine faith.
When a life threatening situation occurred in my own body years ago, I made a decision. This particular challenge was in the area of bodily health. Putting ego aside, the opinions of others and the doubts and fears that typically cripple an opportunity to heal, I made a choice. The choice was not to seek medical emergency help. Instead, I went back to bed although it was mid-morning and surrendered my physical life to the Divine. I had had no training in spirituality but somewhere within consciousness I knew I was not separated from Source. As a result of my conscious decision, the entirety of what I am was fully healed within one hour. This action was a turning point in my life. I am not suggesting that you make the same choice as I did in a similar medical situation. My choice is simply one example out of thousands.
Where the confidence of faith came from I cannot explain. In all probability, I gained sacred knowledge somewhere in a long ago past and in that current moment of decisiveness and pain, I reconnected to my own true and spiritual nature. The faith that awakened within me became a powerful presence of light for the suffering that came later. At different points in our journey, we are given opportunities to resurrect our true self. Just because we have faith it does not mean the 'dark' side of life avoids us.
Offering healing energy to others and an intimate understanding and sharing of the divine Light became my response to physical life. There are many others like myself who view the world as a sanctuary and hold a genuine reverence for life and the cosmos as a whole. And...most of you quietly live your life as I have. We do our best to treat each other according to what both we and they can potentially become: divine lights uplifting ourselves and helping others to heal, to integrate, to become reverential. Although we have experienced a 'second birth', we understand we are not a finished product. Spiritual realization is a state of mind and heart, an awakened consciousness.
What happened through the many dark moments was an increase in faith. I'm writing this for you who desire to be a part of the movement to manifest on the material plane peace, harmony, love, joy, justice and a genuine understanding. We are not alone. Thought is an active, powerful force that will effect our evolution. Be confident, expand your faith by getting up and taking action. Remember, there is a gigantic network, a community of beings in the invisible realms, who derive great joy in helping us. Let us link our light and unite for the purpose of regenerating the human race. Faith will help us do it for the sheer joy of doing it.
In harmony and gratitude,
Shirlee Hall
4/9/16 This article can also be read on my blog and many other firsthand experiences as well...
REMINDER: Sacred Healing Breath this coming Friday, the 15th