
It is understood that freedom in the Eternal Presence only becomes a living reality in the soul's immersion in Spirit.

It is understood that freedom is conceiving Divine individualization as the true essence of all intelligent life.

It is understood that freedom is the realization that Spirit is vibrating within waiting to embrace a mind ripened with expectancy and trust.

It is understood that freedom is the perfect pattern behind appearance and reflects its brilliancy in human expression as we recognize and surrender to it.

It is understood that freedom is the intelligent continuum that we refer to as life and it is multidimensional in all its aspects.

It is understood that freedom is our choice in consciousness, and each soul makes its commitment in the privacy of the heart.

It is understood that freedom appears as different paths and eventually all ways lead to the One.

It is understood that freedom attained in its varying degrees through an awakening soul is the determining difference between a seeker and a knower.

It is understood that freedom is realized when the soul is ready to be released from the knots of the physical senses and the shackles of the mind.

It is understood that freedom is the ability to create our own experience through an illumined choice, will and demonstration.

It is understood that freedom is hastened through the daily practice of devotional meditation and thought.

It is understood that freedom is acquired as we live unconditional love through the godly attributes of intelligence, faith, patience, willingness, conviction and discipline.

It is understood that freedom expressed through an awakened consciousness is the direct result of love and principle applied.

It is understood that freedom is claimed as a total healing when our personality and awakened Divine Self merge consciously with the Nameless, Indescribable Absolute we call God.

The local Circle of Light classes, workshops, and spiritual consulting provide a receptive and healing climate for in-depth growth and discussion, expansion of consciousness and fellowship with light-minded and compassionate souls.  We each receive in direct measure to our giving.

In divine friendship,

Shirlee Hall

[email protected]



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